Share your community events, PSAs, or music with us.

  • Community Events Calendar

    We want to help you spread the word about your community event. It could be a gathering, meeting, performance, rally, or really anything!

    Free or ticketed, we just need the info on who, what, when, why, how, and where to direct people for more info. We need event info at least 2 weeks in advance to get into our rotation for programmers to read on air.

    Important note: We can not list performers playing at bars and restaurants as these are for-profit venues that are using the music to bring in customers. Sorry.

    We reserve the right to edit for length and clarity. Questions: Fill out the form linked below.

  • Public Service Annoucements

    PSAs are a NOT events. They are brief messages that provide information about public services.

    These could be info about non-profit organizations, community services and programs, or general info to help improve lives.

    We accept written PSAs submitted via our form linked below or recorded PSAs (30 seconds or less) emailed to Questions can be sent to that email address as well.

  • Submit Music

    We pride ourselves on playing local and Vermont-made music. Submit your MP3 or WAV file vial email to our Music Directors.